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Benchmarking scikit-learn across python versions using uv

When python 3.11 came out 2 years ago (24 October 2022) it promised to be 10-60% faster than python 3.10, and 1.25x faster on the standard benchmark suite (see the what's new in 3.11). I've always wondered how that translates to training machine learning models in python, but I couldn't be bothered to write a benchmark. That is, until astral released uv 0.4.0 which introduces "a new, unified toolchain that takes the complexity out of Python development".

uv has been blowing my mind and is transforming the way I work, and there are many resources out there already discussing it (like Rye and uv: August is Harvest Season for Python Packaging and uv under discussion on Mastodon). One of the new capabilities is that uv python can bootstrap and install Python for you. Instead of building python from source, uv uses (and contributes to) the python standalone builds project. For each python version they will pre-build python binaries suitable for a wide range of system architectures (currently 773 builds per python version).

The CEO of Astral (creator of uv) is Charlie Marsh, and he recently appeared on the Talk Python To Me podcast (Episode #476 unified packaging with uv). There he explained that these python builds "will be noticeably faster than what you would get by default with PyEnv" because they are compiled with optimizations. And because it's a standalone binary, the installation speed is restricted to the time it takes to stream and unzip it down into disk. It now takes me ~10-20 seconds to install a new python version!

The benchmark

We train a binary classifier (sklearn's HistGradientBoostingClassifier) on a small and medium dataset:

We'll run on a laptop running Ubuntu with an AMD Ryzen 7 5000 series CPU and 16GB of RAM.

To setup the benchmark project I ran:

uv init sk_benchmark && cd sk_benchmark
uv add scikit-learn pandas memo tqdm

Then we can add a scripts/ script:

This is the real party trick 🥳:

for py in 3.10 3.11 3.12; 
  uv run --quiet --python $py --python-preference "managed-only";

A couple of things to note here:

  • uv run will take care of updating our virtual environment with the correct python version and dependencies
  • the --python-preference "managed-only" flag makes sure we only use the optimized python builds from the python-standalone-builds
  • The --quiet flag will suppress the output of the uv command

The results

I processed the result using my own mkdocs-charts-plugin to visualize with vega-lite. The results:

{ "$schema": "", "title": "Training on 'adult' dataset", "data": {"url" : "assets/json_data/benchmark_python_adult.json"}, "encoding": {"y": {"field": "python", "type": "nominal", "title": null}}, "layer": [ { "mark": {"type": "rule"}, "encoding": { "x": {"field": "lower", "type": "quantitative","scale": {"zero": false}, "title": "Time taken (s)"}, "x2": {"field": "upper"} } }, { "mark": {"type": "bar", "size": 14}, "encoding": { "x": {"field": "q1", "type": "quantitative"}, "x2": {"field": "q3"}, "color": {"field": "Species", "type": "nominal", "legend": null} } }, { "mark": {"type": "tick", "color": "white", "size": 14}, "encoding": { "x": {"field": "median", "type": "quantitative"} } } ] }

{ "$schema": "", "title": "Training on 'click_prediction_small' dataset", "data": {"url" : "assets/json_data/benchmark_python_click_prediction_small.json"}, "encoding": {"y": {"field": "python", "type": "nominal", "title": null}}, "layer": [ { "mark": {"type": "rule"}, "encoding": { "x": {"field": "lower", "type": "quantitative","scale": {"zero": false}, "title": "Time taken (s)"}, "x2": {"field": "upper"} } }, { "mark": {"type": "bar", "size": 14}, "encoding": { "x": {"field": "q1", "type": "quantitative"}, "x2": {"field": "q3"}, "color": {"field": "Species", "type": "nominal", "legend": null} } }, { "mark": {"type": "tick", "color": "white", "size": 14}, "encoding": { "x": {"field": "median", "type": "quantitative"} } } ] }

... are quite underwhelming!

The differences are not that big, and python 3.12 is even the slowest. Digging a bit deeper, it turns out python 3.12 is indeed slower than python 3.11. Of course it depends (see this extensive comparison benchmark).

But of course what is really going on here is that scikit-learn is not using python for training the models, but rather more optimized routines written in Cython (Cython is a superset of Python that compiles to C/C++).

So this entire benchmark doesn't make much sense.. but it was fun to do!


The training speed of scikit-learn won't differ much between python versions because they most of the workload is done in Cython. And I could have known before running any benchmarks!

If you're looking to speed up your ML projects, start at scikit-learn's page on computational performance. As a bonus, you can try switching all your preprocessing code from pandas to polars dataframes. scikit-learn supports polars since January 2024 (scikit-learn 1.4+) so you won't even have to convert your dataframes. Queries using polars dataframes are 10-100x faster than pandas dataframes (benchmark). On top of that, polars just released a new accelerated GPU engine with nvidia that promises another 2-13x speedup.